Hello there👋


Hey, I'm baibhav 3rd-year Computer Science undergrad with a strong passion for technology and its impact on society. My interests lie in areas such as Web Development and Web3.I have gained hands-on experience in various programming languages such as C++, javascript and python.
I'm Learning More About React, Javascript and Data-structures.

Tech Stack🤖


Experiences i have


Baibhav Tiwari

Innovative and deadline-driven Web Developer, also ventured into the field of Web3,& a creative designer.

  • Noida (UP), India
  • baibhavtiwari37@gmail.com


B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering [Data Science]

2020 - Present

ABES Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad

From Hackathons to presiding over events, I've explored different domain's during my time at the College including Web Development, C++ Programming, Web3 etc.


Winter of BlockChain | Mentee

Jan 2023 - Now


  • A 3-month journey of full of insightful sessions, learning, collaborating and contributing in blockchain.
  • Countributed to various web3 and blockchain based projects using different tech stacks.

Postman Student Expert

Jan 2023 - Now


  • Postman Student Experts are proficient in the essential skills required for consuming APIs in Postman and applications.

GSSOC | Contributor

Feb 2022 - Jun 2022

GirlScript Summer of Code

  • A journey of insightful learning ,session and contribution in open source
  • Countributed to various Open source projects through out the Program.

Web Developer,& Graphic designer Intern

Jun 2020 - Sep 2021


  • Designed various Social media Posts and various other contents.
  • Chief designer of Articuleren weekly Newspaper.
  • Created the Articuleren website using python.




SIH-2022 Finalist

Our team got selected for the the Final round of The hackathon for the problem statement VS930

Postman Student Expert

Postman Student Experts are proficient in the essential skills required for consuming APIs in Postman and applications.

4⭐ on HackerRank

Got a $ star ranking on HackerRank after solving the questions, also solved more then 250+ questions on various platforms.


Which, I have created


A price tracking tool for Amazon products with automated alerts. Built with Next.js and MongoDB, featuring a user-friendly web interface.


Summarizer is a web application built with React and Redux that utilizes the article-extractor-and-summarizer Rapid API to summarize articles and blog posts


This is a simple image generator built with Node.js and Express that uses OpenAI's Dall-E models to generate images.


About Spacemart is a NFT marketplace created using NEXT.js ,the smart contract is made using solidity and deployed on polygon Mumbai Network


This is a decentralized application that allows you to transfer MATIC tokens between two Ethereum addresses on the Goerli test network. The app was built using React, TailwindCSS, Hardhat, and Solidity.


blockify is a platform where one can create a personalized collection of songs, of his choice , the platform is built using using Next.js and solidity.


The web-app basically convert your speech into the text Form which you can see and copy as well.